Friday, February 01, 2008

Mattress season

Originally uploaded by sf2london.

I know, I know, it’s been a while... Sorry.

I snapped this picture on my way home from the gym (which I haven’t visited in weeks because I had a head cold and then “minor surgery” to remove a ganglion in my wrist—yuck).

I took this for two reasons: First, there is a fine tradition of skanky old mattress photos by contemporary artists (Todd Hido, for example); and Second, it seemed to be mattress season in North Kensington and I wanted to document it (though this is my only one). By mattress season, I mean that for about a week the streets were filled with mattresses: night and day, all sizes and colors, on just about every road. I’m not sure why. Maybe the council scheduled a special rubbish collection. Maybe there were good sales on new mattresses in January. Maybe it was just unconscious herd behavior...